Senin, 07 September 2009

Kuliah Hari Senin

Wuaaah....cpeknya.. tadi malam ngerjakan sisa tugas Sistem Linier dan juga menyelesaikan tugas Dasar Sistem Komunikasi untuk 2 hari mendatang. Yah salah sendiri menyempatkan bersih - bersih Blog semalaman sampe tidur jam 2 pagi, malahan sampe ga sahur nih, untuk jam 12 malem dah niatan makan. Jadinya, pas kuliah wuah mata berat banget dan lucunya... saya sampe ngantuk - ngantuk ikut kuliah Sistem Linier. Tapi, saya paksa saya keluar ruang, ambil wudhu', langsung masuk kelas lagi... wuah segar untuk beberapa saat.

Untung saja materi yang diajarkan bisa saya kejar dan Alhamdulillah bisa mengerti materi yang ga kesampaian saat ngantuk-ngantuk...Dan waktu kuliah berakhir Bapak Imam memberi tugas resume kuliah tadi sama 1 soal. Oh ya hampir lupa ga sampe disitu Pas pulang,.. wuah langsung di suruh ke Sekretariat BEM ITS buat ngisi CV para anggota BEM Di seluruh Departemen + ditambah dengan Syuro di Sekpa JMMI, yg untungnya ga jadi. yah, lengkap sudah kegiatan yang menghabiskan banyak tenaga.

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Name : Eko Junaidi Salam
Address : Perum Tlanakan Indah
Interests : Reading book, sports, Playing Computer, etc.
Country : Pamekasan
Age : 19
Hobbies : Make program, Build Computer, Network, etc.

Description:I currently lecture in the Faculty of Industrial Technology Department of Electrical ITS Surabaya. Here I have undergone the third semester at ITS Surabaya. Well, that's ITS, Campus of Struggle, campus that's really needed a hard struggle to survive amid the bustle lectures and organizations.

I am an ordinary man, who wants to share Sciences as the words on the wall of my blog "Science is a entrusted goods divine ... not forever we have, but still must we looking for ..."

But until now Alhamdulillah I am still able to face all the difficulties at this time, I tried to start active in writing, especially on this blog. So if possible I will provide information about campus organizations and activities that I follow this blog along the rails.
Hopefully this blog can be beneficial to my readers and friends later .... Amin ...